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We can't find any pages matching your search term. I think I've just given you the best idea ever for a blog post, but Google simply doesn't believe me. Now I'm not sure where to go with this. Maybe someone is watching over me and knows my true intentions, or maybe it's my own subconscious mind playing tricks on me... What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!2-3 Paragraphs (or MORE)Your introduction should be at least two paragraphs long and hold your reader's attention; it should also include some kind of conclusion - conclusion that includes an enticement to keep reading more (i.e. your reader's interest in what you're saying should be kept). Do not just start talking about yourself and your life. Give them a reason to want to read what you have to say. The introduction should include the following:-Your name, address, phone number. This can be personal details or any piece of information you'd like your readers to know about you. If you are a blogger or an internet marketer, tell people about yourself and your life as a blogging/marketing professional. If you're a musician who is looking for an agent, say so in the introduction.-A brief overview of the type of website that your blog is going to be – e.g. website about shoes, website about famous footballers, website aimed at helping people with their careers. This will help you decide what type of pictures to use for your blog, or what kind of content to write.-Why you're starting the blog. There are lots of reasons why you might start a blog – maybe you want to share your passion for football with the world or maybe you have some important information to share with readers who are interested in the same topic as you are. Some people start blogs because they can't find information they want on Google so it's your job to give them the information they need. -A little about yourself, your interests and your background. The last thing you want is to simply talk about yourself in a narcissistic way. Instead, share a few details about yourself because people will be able to relate to you better and will feel more comfortable reading the rest of your blog.-Your character traits - if you're an honest person, say so and explain why it's important for people to read what's on your website. If you're a funny person, let that shine through in the introduction. http://webhostingplanguide. com/blogs/success-blogging-tips-2895/ 1 Paragraph (or MORE)If this is your first blog or you're new to blogging then you need to make sure the headlines are catchy, effective and will get people reading what you have to say at the beginning of each blog post. cfa1e77820